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For each course taken, as a result of the required exams and similar evaluations, students will be given one of the following grades by the instructor of the course:

Grades   Coefficient
AA Excellent 4.00
BA Good Excellent 3.50
BB Good 3.00
CB Satisfactory-good 2.50
CC Satisfactory 2.00
DC Below Satisfactory 1.50
DD Poor 1.00
F Academic Fail 0.00
FX Administrative Fail 0.00  
P Pass -

The grades AA and BA indicate that the course has been successfully completed
The grade CC indicates that the course has been satisfactorily completed
The grades DC and DD indicate that the course has been conditionally completed
F and FX indicate that the course was not completed successfully.

The grade FX is given to students who have not attended classes, or have not participated in mid-term exams, final exams, term projects or similar course assessments.

If the course is a must course, students who receive an F or FX have to repeat the course the first semester it is available. It is not mandatory to repeat the course taken during a regular semester if the course is first available during the summer semester.

Other Symbols Used: 

T – (Transfer) The letter “T” is given for courses taken at another university by students transferring horizontally or vertically to TEDU or by students who have participated in exchange programs. Such courses are previously taken courses which are considered equivalent by the relevant board on recommendation by the department, and receive the letter “T” on approval by the Executive Board or by registering to the university through the Student Selection and Placement Exam (OSYS).
NC - (Non-Credit) The letter “NC” indicates that the credits and grades from these courses are not included in grade point average calculations.
NP - (Not Present) The letter “NP” indicates that a student has not taken the final examination
I - (Incomplete) The letter “I” is given to students who have not been able to complete requirements such as assignments and projects given by the faculty member in time due to certain excuses. Such requirements are completed at the most in two weeks; if not, the letter “I” is converted into a letter grade of “F”.
R - (Repeat) The letter “R” indicates a repeated course.

W- (Withdrawal)
The letter “W” indicates that a student has withdrawn a course in the time frame indicated on the academic calendar
L - (Leave) The letter “L” Indicates that a student is on leave